Game Interface - Scores Tab

This tab is shown automatically when a round ends. If there is another round in the game, it will start after a short delay and automatically show the Game Play tab when the round begins. If this was the last round of the game, the 'Network' indicator, in the Information Bar, will show 'Game Over', and refreshing the screen will take you to the game recap page, showing the same score details.

Sample of scores tab at the end of a game:
Sample of scores tab at the end of a game

The current ranking and overall score is displayed, along with scores for each completed round. An 'X' next to a score indicates that the player did not meet the minimum requirement for that round. If a number in parenthesis is shown, it indicates the number of discard errors made in the round (each error contributed 3 penalty points to the score).

Selecting the round number will display the round recap details, showing you each player's hand and actions in the order they occurred.

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