Gameplay Interface

You can play Hell's Rummy for any web-enabled device, and even have different games active on one or across several devices. However, you can only be in any one game from a single device, and if you join (rather, 'Rejoin') from another device, you will be disconnected from the game on the original device. This is a feature, so you may change devices... perhaps playing from your smartphone while away from home, then resuming the game from a laptop once you return home.

Information bar

When playing a game, the top of the screen consists of an information bar, showing various status information.>/p>

This bar changes noticably based on the display size of the viewing window. Here are the differences:

Sample of gameplay status bar on a small screen:
Sample of gameplay status bar on a small screen

Sample of gameplay status bar on a medium screen:
Sample of gameplay status bar on a medium screen

Sample of gameplay status bar on a large screen:
Sample of gameplay status bar on a large screen

Sample of gameplay status bar on an extra large screen:
Sample of gameplay status bar on an extra large screen

At the largest size, the information includes:

Game Tabs

Below the information bar are tabs that can show details at any point during the game action:

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